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Peggy Jo Barrow Obituary
The Herald-Times
Peggy Jo Barrow, age 93 of Bloomington, Indiana, passed away at Bell Trace Health and Living Center on August 4, 2024.
قبل 5 أشهر
Sir Isaac Newton as Religious Prophet, Heretic, and Reformer
Church Life Journal
Newton's distinctive reworking of nature, Scripture, and history led him to redefine the boundaries between science and religion.
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TOP sports
North Escambia
The West team from Escambia County beat the East team 9-0 Friday night the 15th annual Subway High School All-Star game at Blue Wahoos Stadium.
قبل 112 شهرًا
14 Fascinating & Interesting Facts About Isaac Newton For Kids
Here we bring you some Issac Newton facts for kids that will help your child know about his life, education, family, contributions, inventions, discoveries,...
قبل 3 أشهر
Records broken and a 14-year streak ends at the swimming and diving regional
Lexington Herald Leader
Paul Laurence Dunbar captured its fifth straight boys crown, while Lafayette took the girls title at the Region 8 Swimming and Diving Championships.
قبل 11 شهرًا
Mathematics - Analytic Geometry, Coordinates, Equations
Mathematics - Analytic Geometry, Coordinates, Equations: The invention of analytic geometry was, next to the differential and integral calculus,...
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Eight state swimming records broken at Kentucky high school state championships
Lexington Herald Leader
St. Xavier, Sacred Heart and Dunbar all had swimmers set new state records at this year's KHSAA state swimming championships.
قبل 10 أشهر
BOOK REVIEW: Inside Kufre Ntuk’s “Torus of Verses”, By Akpandem James
Premium Times Nigeria
Going through the book Torus of Verses – Anthology of Poems and Poetic Eulogies, I couldn't help but notice something intriguing. It reminded me of another...
قبل 5 أشهر
Podcast Hoje na História: 1727 - Morre o matemático inglês Isaac Newton
Opera Mundi
No dia 20 de março de 1727, morreu em Londres, Isaac Newton, matemático, físico, astrônomo e filósofo inglês, considerado por muitos como o maior cientista...
قبل 10 أشهر
Efemérides del 4 de mayo: qué pasó un día como hoy
Hazañas, tragedias, cumpleaños y decesos son los acontecimientos más importantes que se conmemoran este sábado.
قبل 8 أشهر