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نصيحة: البحث عن نتائج باللغة الإنجليزية فقط. يمكنك تحديد لغة البحث في خيارات
inauthor: John Colquhoun من
... الدكتور جون كولكوهون John Colquhoun من نيوزيلندة يجبر على التقاعد المبكر بسبب دراسة أجراها على 60000 من تلاميذ المدارس ، ووجد فيها أنه لا يوجد أي فرق في تلاشي الأسنان بين المناطق التي تستخدم الفلورايد والمناطق التي لا تستخدمه . كما وجد ...
inauthor: John Colquhoun من
... John Tait , Esq . for Clackmannan and Kinross , ditto John C. Colquhoun , Esq . for Dumbarton , ditto John ... د 135 - Hugh Fullarton , Esq . for Kincardine , ditto - 135 - - William Ireland , Esq . for Kirkcudbright , ditto - 135 ...
inauthor: John Colquhoun من
... John Williams George Caunter * Second Lieutenants . 30 Dec.58 David John Watts 23Dec.60 John Henry Davies 27 Feb.79 ... Colquhoun 29June12 13Apr.81 Tho . Marshall 25 Feb.09 John Morgan 25July12 10Mar.09 Wm . Dunston Skinner ...
inauthor: John Colquhoun من
... د , Lieut . Douglas , 2 Ensign Gilchrist , 10 " " 2 June 1747 . Sous - Lt ... Colquhoun , 11 2 June 1747 . Lieut . Douglas , 12 Sous - Lt McKay , 13 ... John of Kilhead , or Robert Douglas , brother to Finglassie , or John ...
inauthor: John Colquhoun من
... JOHN , commissary depute of Glasgow . 20 Mar. 1721 4 ( 2 ) 500 Dumbarton 20 1721 4 ( 2 ) 501 .. " " 15 May 1749 8 52 " " " 15 1750 8 131 " .. " د . shoemaker , Cumbernald 26 Mar. 1753 8 359 " " 23 Jan. 1756 9 23 " دو " " 18 1771 10 322 ...
inauthor: John Colquhoun من
... John - - , James Meredith , Joseph Fiat . Div . Cert . 630 Newman , James - Fiat . 1056 - { 849 Newton , James 957 ... Colquhoun Kemp } Middleton , John 848 Oldfield , Frederick Mill , Charles - 761 -一, James Peter Miller , David ...
inauthor: John Colquhoun من
... John Colquhoun. It should be observed that the Wild - cat is crouching a little , which takes off from its height , while full effect is given to that of the Tame . د درون ever been killed in Dumbartonshire , and most.
inauthor: John Colquhoun من
... JOHN , merchant Glasgow ANDERSON , AGNES CAMPBELL , spouse of Andrew , 99 ... د , 99 18 July 1765 9 475 29 18 1765 9 477 " " ,, " " " " " " of ... Colquhoun , son of Alexander C. of Tullicheun . 3 Dec. 1680 1 350 " " 1 July ...
inauthor: John Colquhoun من
... John M'Laren , soldier in City Guard 18 Jan. 1788 David , tailor in S. K. p . , and Isobel , d . of deceased John ... Colquhoun , yr . , of Luss 8 Apr. 1785 9 Jan. 1790 27 Oct. 1791 d . 16 Oct. 1800 10 Feb. 1753 2 Mar. 1766 30 July 1784 12 ...
inauthor: John Colquhoun من
John Stuart Colquhoun. PART VIII . PAGE HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Keltic ... ... Latin of the First Period ... د , " " Middle English .. 172 172 173 174 ... و " Modern English 99 Use of Norman French General Relations of ...