John Marshall (September 24, 1755 – July 6, 1835) was an American statesman, lawyer, and Founding Father who served as the fourth chief justice of the United ...
أسئلة أخرى
What is John Marshall most known for?
What did John Marshall do for Federalist?
What did John Marshall do in Marbury v. Madison?
Why is John Marshall a hero?
John Marshall studied law at William & Mary under the tutelage of George Wythe in 1780. Marshall's tenure here was brief but potent in forming the character ...
08/11/2024 · John Marshall was a Founding Father who served as the fourth chief justice of the United States.
جون مارشال هو رابع رؤساء قضاة محكمة الولايات المتحدة العليا. رفع من سلطة المحكمة، وشكل الدستور بتفسيراته الحكيمة. وبالرغم من نزاعه مع توماس جفرسون ومن جاء بعده من رؤساء الجمهورية، فثبت حق المحكمة النهائي فيما يتعلق دستورية تلك القوانين. ويكيبيديا
تاريخ ومكان الميلاد: 24 سبتمبر 1755، Germantown، فرجينيا
تاريخ ومكان الوفاة: 6 يوليو 1835، فيلادلفيا، بنسلفانيا
الأحفاد: جيمس ك. مارشال وجاكيلين آمبلر مارشال وريبيكا مارشال والمزيد
الأجداد: Capt. John Marshall وإليزابيث ماركهام
أولاد الأحفاد: ريتشارد كوك مارشال وهنري لي سميث وماريون لويس مارشال والمزيد
آباء الأجداد: Capt. Thomas Marshall وماري جين شيروود
Life of Washington
The life of George Washington
The Papers of John Marshall: Vol. II: Correspondence and Papers, July 1788-December 1795
The life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American forces
The Papers of John Marshall: Vol. I: Correspondence and Papers, November 10, 1775-June 23, 1788
عرض نتائج أكثر
عرض نتائج أقل
John Marshall is one of the most influential justices to have served on the Supreme Court of the United States, if not the most influential.
He served as Secretary of State from June 6, 1800, until February 4, 1801, and then as ad interim Secretary of State until March 4, 1801.
Life Story: John Marshall (1755-1835). The soldier, attorney, and American statesman who became the longest serving Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Born in Fauquier County on 24 September 1755, John Marshall became the fourth chief justice of the United States Supreme Court.
John Marshall | George Washington's Mount Vernon
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A towering figure in American legal history, John Marshall served as chief justice of the United States Supreme Court for more than three decades.
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