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Five Fits With: Writer and Actor John Owen Lowe
Before I even met John Owen Lowe, I suspected he'd have the proverbial sauce. He is, after all, the son of Rob Lowe, and an accomplished...
قبل 4 أشهر
John Owen Obituary (1949 - 2021) - Los Angeles, CA - Los Angeles Times
Beloved brother, uncle and friend, John died peacefully on August 6, 2021 at his home in Valley Village, California after a long illness.
قبل 41 شهرًا
John Owen on Death, the Cross, and the Gospel
The Gospel Coalition
Let's take a look at Owen's important argument in Death of Death for the doctrine of definite atonement (or 'limited atonement') to see why Owen is, after all...
قبل 103 أشهر
Why We Need to Learn from John Owen on the Trinity
The Gospel Coalition
Kevin J. Vanhoozer discusses why Christians today may find John Owen to be a reliable guide to the triune way of the Word.
قبل 154 شهرًا
He Killed His Sin with Love: John Owen (1616–1683)
Desiring God
John Owen was a pastor, a statesman, an author, and a family man. And in all his roles, he carried a single aim: kill sin and cultivate...
قبل 76 شهرًا
John Owen Obituary (1963 - 2021) - Ridgeland, MS - Clarion Ledger
John Cate Owen died unexpectedly on Sunday, February 28, 2021 in Madison. He was 57. A native and lifelong resident of the Jackson.
قبل 46 شهرًا
John Owen McKenzie Obituary 2023
Anderson Funeral Home and Crematory
John Owen McKenzie passed away, surrounded by his immediate family, on October 25, 2023.John was born in Minneapolis, MN to Kenneth E.
قبل 14 شهرًا
John C. Owen Obituary (2024) - Evansville, IN - Sunset Funeral Home, Cremation Center & Cemetery
John Owen Obituary John C. Owen, 47, beloved husband, father, son, and friend passed away on March 25, 2024. He was born on September 16,...
قبل 9 أشهر
The Best Book You’ve Never Read on Justification by Faith
The Gospel Coalition
Justin Dillehay reviews 'The Doctrine of Justification by Faith' by John Owen (1677), one of the best books on the doctrine of...
قبل 29 شهرًا
Letter: Remembering John Owen Habib ’24
The Brown Daily Herald
John Owen Habib, 21, died on April 11, 2023 following a fall while hiking in Morocco. He was pursuing one of his greatest passions — traveling...
قبل 20 شهرًا