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John Skinner Obituary (1952 - 2018) - Erie, PA - Erie Times-News
John D. Skinner Jr., 66, of Erie, Pennsylvania, departed this life on earth for his heavenly home after a long battle against renal cell cancer.
قبل 39 شهرًا
John Skinner Obituary (2021) - Parkland, FL - The Beaver County Times
John Rodger Skinner, Jr., 76, passed away on Feb. 14, 2021, at home with his family by his side. He resided in Parkland, Fl.
قبل 38 شهرًا
John Skinner, iconic local trumpet player, dies at 71
Sacramento Bee
Local trumpet player and band leader John Skinner, whose musical career spanned more than 50 years, died Friday in Ohio while attending a music convention. He...
قبل 88 شهرًا
School board denies Cowan coach Skinner from returning next season
The Star Press
The Cowan School Board denied John Skinner from returning as varsity head coach for the 2019-20 school year at its March 20 meeting.
قبل 69 شهرًا
IT’S THIS THURSDAY! The Fisherman’s Fishing Show – Sept. 26th
The Fisherman
The Fisherman Magazine's giant Fishing Tackle and Seminar show will once again be held at the Huntington Hilton Thursday, at 5 pm, September 26th.
قبل 3 أشهر
John Skinner: New Douglas Mayor appointed
Councillor John Skinner will take over the role from Sara Hackman after being elected by members of Douglas Council.
قبل 104 أشهر
A Reel Drag: How Tight And Why?
The Fisherman
Ten expert surfcasters from up and down the Striper Coast discuss their drag setting preferences. A lot of attention is paid to what rod, reel, and line to...
قبل 44 شهرًا
False Albie Addicts
Sport Fishing Mag
False albacore (little tunny) draw raves from mid-Atlantic and Northeast anglers for their spectacular surface hits and blistering runs.
قبل 4 أشهر
Skinner guilty of murdering policeman
NZ Herald
John Skinner, the man accused of shooting dead an undercover police officer during a covert operation has been found guilty of murder. His co-accused Iain.
قبل 51 شهرًا
Dog owners could be fined £5,000 for not following one simple rule
London Daily News
Experts from TopDog are warning of a little-known car rule that could cost pet owners a lot of money if not followed correctly.
قبل 15 ساعة