Charles Stuart Gager (December 23, 1872 – August 9, 1943) was an American botanist who served as director of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden for over 30 years.
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Discover life events, stories and photos about Charles Stuart Gager (1872–1943) of Norwich, Chenango, New York, United States.
C. STUART GAGER. (1873-1943). Charles Stuart Gager was born on. December 24, 1873, in central New York in the town of Norwich, and graduated from Syracuse ...
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List of books by author Charles Stuart Gager - ThriftBooks
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Looking for books by Charles Stuart Gager? See all books authored by Charles Stuart Gager, including Heredity and evolution in plants, and Intracellular ...
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By: Gager, C. Stuart (Charles Stuart),. Edition: Ed. 2. Publication info: Philadelphia, Blakiston, [1919].
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Stuart Gager Memorial of the Brooklyn Institute of. Arts and Sciences : Last August, in the death of Dr. C. Stuart Gager, the world lost an eminent scientist,.
02/12/2011 · When Gray, originally a medical doctor, became professor of natural history at Harvard in 1842, he set to work soliciting plant specimens from ...
Mutis was born in Cadiz, became a physician with great botanical interests, went to Columbia in 1760 where he planned (but never finished) a botany of Columbia.
having expressed his reservations about the general validity of the theory, inquired among his ... Stuart Gager, the director of the Brooklyn Botanic ...
Charles Stuart GAGER, American botanist who served as director of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Born on December 23, 1872 in Norwich, New York, United States.
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