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George W. Bush: Free Press 'Indispensable to Democracy'
NBC News
George W. Bush said 'we all need answers' on Trump campaign contacts with Russia but stopped short of calling for special prosecutor.
قبل 94 شهرًا
Bush 41, 43 Have No Plans to Endorse Trump
The Texas Tribune
For the first time since his own presidency, George H.W. Bush is planning to stay silent in the race for the Oval Office — and the younger...
قبل 104 أشهر
Kamala Harris dragged on CNN for ‘weak sauce’ decision to bring Tim Walz to first interview: ‘Lack of confidence’
New York Post
Vice President Kamala Harris is facing backlash for opting to bring her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, to her first interview since...
قبل 4 أشهر
Former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney endorses Kamala Harris
Former Vice President Dick Cheney said that he will vote for Democrat Kamala Harris over fellow Republican ...
قبل 4 أشهر
President Bush cites ‘axis of evil,’ Jan. 29, 2002
President George W. Bush branded three countries — North Korea, Iran and Iraq — as rogue states that he said harbored, financed and aided...
قبل 71 شهرًا
Poll: Majority of Dems has favorable view of George W. Bush
The Hill
A slim majority of Democrats in the United States hold a somewhat or very favorable view of President George W. Bush, according to a new...
قبل 86 شهرًا
Choosing Primacy: U.S. Strategy and Global Order at the Dawn of the Post-Cold War Era
Texas National Security Review
Newly declassified US government records shed some light onto US strategic thinking about the post-Cold War era and the infamous Defense Planning Guidance.
قبل 83 شهرًا
October Surprises Don’t Necessarily Sway Elections, or Occur in October (Published 2016)
The New York Times
An October surprise is news specifically (and cynically) timed by one side or another to sway an election, with evidence that it changed voters' minds and...
قبل 98 شهرًا
Vonnegut’s Apocalypse
Rolling Stone
He survived being captured by Nazis and the suicide of his mother to write some of the funniest, darkest novels, but George W. Bush broke...
قبل 220 شهرًا
Cartoonist Dana Summers remembers lunching with George Bush
Orlando Sentinel
On behalf of President Bush, I would like to invite you to a luncheon at the White House on Tuesday, June 13, 1989.
قبل 73 شهرًا