Lackmond LSE141251 14" LSE Steel Blade, 1"-20mm Arbor
‏99.00 US$ · eBay
+‏5.94 US$ كضريبة شحن مجاني
موعد الوصول: 13 ديسمبر
مقارنة الأسعار
تفاصيل المنتج
: لقطع المعادن
نوع المنشار
: منشار دائري, منشار سلاح دائري
The Lackmond LSE Series is the plain core version of the LSE-EP. The LSE is designed to cut metal, stainless steel, ductile iron, rebar, PVC, fiberglass and more. The LSE utilizes vacuum brazed diamonds for excellent performance in tougher applications. The LSE has many advantages over traditional abrasive blades: the steel core and diamond rim ensures that the speed of cutting is much higher using the LSE (as well as a longer life for your blade), it results in fewer blade changes (over abrasives), causes less wear and tear on your equipment, and greatly reduces your cost per cut.Applications Include:SteelDuctile IronPVCFiberglassPlastics4"-10" LSE intended for use with either hand grinders or circular saws.12"-18" LSE intended for use with either chop saws or high speed portable gas powered saws.Can be used dry or wet!
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‏99.00 US$
+‏5.94 US$ كضريبة
شحن مجاني

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