TP-Link AXE5400 Wi-Fi 6E Bluetooth 5.3 PCIe Adapter
‏140.30 US$ · Compu Devices
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موعد الوصول: 21 يناير
مقارنة الأسعار
تفاصيل المنتج
نوع الواجهة
: PCI Express (منفذ الملحقات الإضافية السريع)
: كمبيوتر شخصي
طريقة التشفير
: WPA (مدخل لاسلكي محمي)
Boost your overall speeds with unparalleled Tri-Band Speed. WiFi 6E means WiFi 6 extended to the 6 GHz band, a newly-opened frequency band that adds more bandwidth, faster speeds, and lower latency. Archer TXE72E brings your PC? Ös WiFi reception to the next level with the revolutionary combination of OFDMA and MU-MIMO. This ensures the efficiency of your PC? Ös WiFi connection by allowing more devices to communicate with your router simultaneously, rather than waiting in turn for data. Two powerful signal-boosting high-gain antennas greatly extend existing Wi-Fi coverage, offering a fast, smooth online experience from farther away. Inheriting the high speed and broad coverage of last-gen Bluetooth, the latest Bluetooth 5.3 has also been enhanced in terms of reliability and security, which ensures a more robust coordination with your game controllers, headphones, keyboards an etc.
مزيد من التفاصيل
مراجعات المستخدمين
29 تعليقًا
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السعر - من الأعلى إلى الأدنى
‏140.30 US$
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شحن مجاني
Compu Devices
‏135.99 US$
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+‏20.00 US$ كرسوم شحن
‏92.52 US$
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HighOhay Technology Solutions
تم التجديد بقيمة ‏49.99 US$
+‏3.00 US$ كضريبة
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